This Week in AI News

AI News This Week: 7/28/24-8/3/24

Major AI news this week! As the AI race continues to quickly advance, huge announcements were made from the major players, including Google, OpenAI, Meta, Github and more. Check out the recap below:

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Top AI News

  • Google - Gemini 1.5 Pro outranks all chatbot competitors
  • OpenAI - Rolls Out Advanced Voice Mode for paid ChatGPT users
  • GitHub - Launched GitHub Models, enabling more than 100 million developers to become AI engineers
  • Microsoft - Names OpenAI as a competitor in AI and Search
  • Midjourney - Releases v6.1, is it better than v6? Faster, more coherent images & quality
  • Google - Reveals Gemma 2 2B, welcoming a new 2 billion parameter model to the Gemma 2 family
  • NVIDIA - Uses Apple Vision Pro to train humanoid robot, advances humanoid robotics with Project GR00T, utilizing Apple Vision Pro for remote control
  • Meta - Introduces Meta Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM 2), for segmenting objects across images and videos
  • Apple - Apple Intelligence AI features set to launch in October, enables proof-read writing, creating custom emojis, and summarizing & transcribing phone calls
  • Canva - Acquired Leonardo AI, a generative AI platform, to boost it’s innovation efforts
  • Perplexity AI - Announces rev-share partnerships, will share a percentage with publishers when their content is cited in AI-generated answers
  • Runway - Released Gen-3 image-to-video, provides ability to turn still images into AI videos
  • Vimeo - Launches AI video translation, Vimeo's AI can translate your video's audio and captions into 29 different languages
  • Synthesia - Unveils Personal Avatars, create videos with it created to your likeness
  • Taco Bell - To bring Voice AI to hundred of US drive-thrus
  • Friend - A wearable-AI device that’s said to help combat loneliness
  • Figure - Unveils “most advanced” humanoid robot, which will be released on August 6th
  • Meta - New US-only feature enables pro Instagram creators to make an AI as an extension of themselves to answer their DMs & story replies

    Learn more about AI and ML news here: ML AI News.

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